Leadership Skills for Building a Global Community – Soft Skills Course
Improve your interpersonal skills for more effective leadership that focuses on global sustainability with this online course from Ubiquity University.
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for anyone looking to improve their soft skills to help in career development. It will be especially useful if you’re interested in sustainability and how to use these soft skills to improve yourself and the planet.
To further your understanding, you may be interested in these courses, from the same provider:
Soft Skills for Navigating Global Challenges
Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking for Problem Solving
Collaboration and Teamwork for Sustainable Innovation
What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…
Investigate different leadership styles and where they are most effective
Explore decent work and economic growth through a resource limited lens and discuss what that might mean for the future
Explore several communities that have been designed for sustainability from the outset, and consider how building projects such as this might be possible in your community
Assess the basics of systems thinking and how all systems are interconnected in a cohesive whole
Investigate issues around peace, social justice and strong institutions
Practice setting some long term goals and examine strategies to sustain effort