Vim/Neovim Config Directory Guide (~/.config/nvim & ~/.vim)

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Last updated on February 1, 2023 11:29 am

The ultimate course for Vim/Neovim config geeks! Learn how to extend and customize your Vim experience. Organize your config directory, understand runtime commands, and create your own plugins. Perfect for intermediate Vim users looking to deepen their understanding.

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What you’ll learn

  • Understand what vim does when it first opens
  • Understand what vim does when it opens a file
  • Understand different files and directories you can have in your vim config directory
  • Learn how to extend and customize The Vim Way!

The ultimate course for Vim/Neovim config geeks!

Your vimrc/init.vim becoming way too huge?

Don’t know how to organize your config directory into separate files and folders?

Feeling frustrated about different files overriding another and yet you have no clue what is going on?

Want to create your own plugin but don’t know what goes where?

This course is exactly for you!



  • What does /plugin do?

  • What is runtime command?

  • What is runtimepath?


  • How do plugins get installed without plugin manager?

  • How does pack start directory work?

  • How does pack opt directory work?


  • What does /colors do?


  • What does filetype.vim do?


  • What does scripts.vim do?


  • What does /ftdetect do?


  • What does /ftplugin do?

  • How to disable ftplugin?

  • How to override ftpluin?


  • What does /syntax do?

  • How to add your own custom keywords to the highlight?


  • What does /indent do?

  • Why my /after/ftplugin is directory not working?

  • Load order of ftplugin, indent & syntax autocmd


Am I allowed to ask questions during the course?

Yes. You can ask any questions.

I remember when I just started learning Vim and I felt extremely shy to ask anything on the internet thinking that maybe my questions are so silly and everyone will laugh at my stupid question! ?

Everyone is a beginner at some point. So feel free to ask any question. There is no such thing as a stupid question!

But I am a Vim user…….

No problem!

For Neovim

  • config directory ~/.config/nvim

  • distributed runtime /usr/local/neovim//share/nvim/runtime

For Vim

  • config directory ~/.vim

  • distributed runtime /usr/share/vim/vim

For the exact location of the runtime files use the following command from your vim/neovim.


Vimscript or Lua?

We do not write code in this course.

Just very simple vim commands.

Who this course is for:

  • Intermediate Vim user who wants to understand Vim at a deeper level

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    Vim/Neovim Config Directory Guide (~/.config/nvim & ~/.vim)
    Vim/Neovim Config Directory Guide (~/.config/nvim & ~/.vim)
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