What is Metaverse, Block chain, NFT and Bitcoin

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Last updated on February 27, 2025 9:17 am

Learn about Metaverse, Blockchain, NFT, and Bitcoin in this beginner-friendly course. Understand the underlying technologies and their business opportunities. Perfect for professionals seeking comprehensive knowledge.

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What you’ll learn

  • Metaverse
  • What can you do in Metaverse
  • Metaverse – Business Opportunities
  • Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality
  • Internet of Thing, 3D Re-construction, Extended Reality
  • Non-Fungible Token
  • Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Wallet, Bitcoin Mining
  • Bitcoin Use Cases
  • Block Chain, Block Structure and Transactions
  • Decentralization & Dynamic Shared Ledger
  • Public , Private, Hybrid and Federated Blockchain
  • Hash Technology, Immutable record
  • DApps & Web 3.0
  • Distributed Ledger Technology

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This course is for Professionals who want to understand Metaverse, Block Chain, NFT & Bitcoin and underlying technologies.

This course is for Beginners who wants to understand Metaverse and underlying technologies. We have explained in Laymen language meaning of this terms and technologies. It is very easy to follow the course.

There are also discussions in the course which will help you answer some of the frequently asked questions on this technologies. We have explained about Metaverse, Block Chain , Non-fungible tokens and Bitcoin

You will get introduced to all concepts related to Blockchain, NFT 

It covers following topics


                      What is Metaverse

                      What can you do in Metaverse

                      Metaverse – Business Opportunities

                      Components n the Metaverse

                      Technologies Behind Metaverse

                               Augmented Reality

                               Virtual reality

                                Artificial Intelligence

                                Internet Of Things

                                3D Re-construction

                                Mixed Reality

                                 Extended Reality

                         Metaverse and Non fungible Tokens

                         What is DeFI


                                  Ownership of Token


                                   Advantages of NFT

                                   NFT Collections

                                   NFT Use Cases


                            What is BlockChain

                             Block Structure & Transactions

                             Decentralization & Dynamic Shared Ledger

                             Types of Block chain Technology

                                       Hybrid Blockchain

                                       Private Blockchain

                                       Public Blockchain

                                        Federated Blockchain

                                Hash Technology

                                        Hash Function

                                         How Hashes work

                                         Inside a Block

                                          Properties of Hash Function

                                 Immutable Records

                                 Distributed Ledger Technology

                                 Distributed Apps (DApps)

                                  BlockChain Demo

                  Crypto currency & Bitcoin

                                  Introduction to Crypto Currency

                                  Bitcoin Transaction Working       

                                  Bitcoin VS Blockchain

                                  Bitcoin Mining

                                  Advantages and Disadvantages of Bitcoin

                                  Block Structure in Bitcoin Blockchain


                                          How can you buy Bitcoin

                                          Ways to invest in Bitcoin

                                           Bitcoin Wallet

                                           Bitcoin Wallet Types

                                           How Bitcoin Wallet Works

                                           Bitcoin Wallet Architecture   

                                  Block chain – Use cases

                                   Web 3.0 Introduction

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner who wants to know about Metaverse, BlockChain , NFT and Bitcoin

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    What is Metaverse, Block chain, NFT and Bitcoin
    What is Metaverse, Block chain, NFT and Bitcoin