The Judgement of the Tower of Babel

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Last updated on October 15, 2024 2:39 am

Gain a deeper understanding of the origins of sin, false religions, and different languages through this insightful course. Enhance your walk with God and engage in meaningful conversations with others knowledgeable in the Word. Start your journey today!

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What you’ll learn

  • A project manager should be not only someone who is knowledgeable in their field of study, but helpful to students that don’t understand something.
  • The student will learn how all false religions started and will be equipped to share that knowledge with others at an affordable rate.
  • The student will learn how he has to recognize what pleases and what does not please God to live a well structured life.
  • This course in its easy to use format can be completed in a short amount of time, or rewind the video for a more thorough and complete understanding.

The student will learn how that all false religions and cults started at The Tower of Babel.  They will also learn the family line that came after the flood, and who started all the false beliefs and religions under the leadership of Nimrod.  The student will also learn how judgement fell on all the  family line.  The student will also learn about the construction of the Tower and the rebellion at the tower.  All sin as we know it in the modern age started with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, then went through the family of Noah, but Noah was a righteous man and he and his family were the only survivors of the flood.  Then Noah’s three sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth continued the family line and their families was included in the judgement of The Tower of Babel.   All of mankind can learn valuable lessons on the mistakes made by the people at The Tower of Babel.  What was started at The Tower of Babel still continues to this day.  That is why there are many different languages and beliefs because God had to confuse the multitude to stop their pride from taking over.  Over the course of thousands of biblical years man has refused to simply obey God, and as a result God still allows judgment to fall along with chastisement.  The student will gain a deeper insight as to where sin originated and why the worlds different languages, cultures, and beliefs exist today.  Get on board for a ride back in time to experience what it was really like in the days following the flood.  Although man disobeys God on a regular routine in this walk of life,  God is still rich in His mercy and grace.  God said He loved us while were yet sinners.  What we have to do as His people is obey His Word and give up our sin, or repent.  The Bible says you have to be “born again” or saved as some people say.  You can repent a thousand times and it will not do you a bit of good,  until you actually give up that sin. 

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for people who wish to have a closer walk with God and be able to carry on conversation with others knowledgeable in the Word.

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    The Judgement of the Tower of Babel
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