Writing a Psychological Thriller








Learn creative writing techniques to bring mysterious stories to life that grab the reader’s attention from the first page

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Humans have a need for stories, even scary ones, to make sense of the world around them. Novelist Emily Barr specializes in writing thrillers for both adults and young adults. She has published numerous novels, and won various awards for her work, including WHSmith’s New Talent Award.

In this course, Emily teaches you the fundamental elements of writing a psychological thriller. Write the opening of your own book, a 25-word synopsis, and plan for the rest of your project with an experienced novelist as your guide. Are you ready to take your readers on a thrilling journey?

Begin the course by getting to know novelist Emily Barr. She talks about how she went from a career in journalism to writing and publishing a number of books with international publishing companies. Discover the influences that inspire the work she creates, along with her advice for people starting out with writing.

Dive into what a psychological thriller is and how to go about writing one. Hear Emily’s advice for overcoming creative blocks when writing a book, from setting yourself a writing schedule to avoiding distractions. Then explore how to make sure your story is properly researched, whilst still making progress with your first draft.

Discover the different elements that make up a psychological thriller, starting with the plot. Emily guides you through how to write a dynamic, personal narrative with clarity, tension, and pace, before moving on to your creating a main character that hooks your reader. Learn how to create a setting for your novel based on personal experiences. Then decide on the main theme for your story, and see how to write engaging dialogue. Hear Emily’s advice for writing a compelling first and final page to capture your audience’s attention.

Write a 25-word synopsis of your book that can be shared with agents and editors. To finish the course, Emily shows you how to edit your fast draft, and start working on secondary characters and subplots to develop your finished novel.


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