JavaScript for PHP Geeks: ES6/ES2015 (New JavaScript)








Learn the latest features and syntaxes of JavaScript, including ES6/ECMAScript2015/Harmony, arrow callback syntax, spread operator, and more. Embrace the evolution of JavaScript and enhance your web development skills. Discover the power of object-oriented classes, var, let, and const declarations, object literal shorthand, computed property names, default function argument values, and destructuring assignment. Stay ahead in the world of JavaScript with Babel, the compiler for new JavaScript. Boost your skills and take your coding to the next level.

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What you’ll be learning

Guess what? JavaScript has evolved, in a big way. Did you know a new major version of JavaScript was released… in 2015!? Yep, and it’s packed with so many new features and syntaxes, when you see code written in “new” JavaScript, it can be barely recognizable at first. But these new features are taking over the web. Let’s embrace them!

Babel! Because you need to compile new JavaScript

ES6/ECMAScript2015/Harmony: Good things have many names

New Object-Oriented Classes!!?

The mysterious (amazing) new “arrow” callback syntax

The …spread Operator


var, let and const

Object literal shorthand

Computed Property Names

Default function argument values

Destructuring Assignment

let yourSkills = (currentSkills) => currentSkills + 1000


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    JavaScript for PHP Geeks: ES6/ES2015 (New JavaScript)
    JavaScript for PHP Geeks: ES6/ES2015 (New JavaScript)
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