Your Healthy Baby








Everything you need to know on how to keep your newborn baby safe & healthy from health exams to car seat safety!

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Everything you need to know on how to keep your newborn baby safe & healthy from health exams to car seat safety!

Your child is the greatest gift you will ever receive. The first moment you hold your bundle of joy in your arms your world will forever be changed. In the first few months especially, you will experience a wide range of emotions from joy and excitement to overwhelmed and confused. When you bring your newborn home it’s important to know how to properly care for them. Providing a safe environment to ensure they are healthy and safe at home is an important part of caring for your new baby. Children under 3 are especially vulnerable to getting sick. Their immune systems aren’t fully developed yet, so they have a harder time fighting off illness. The first time your baby coughs or cries uncontrollably it’s very nerve-racking, especially when they can’t tell you exactly what is wrong. “Are they sick? Are they hungry? Are they tired? Should I take them to the doctor?” These are all questions new parents ask themselves and the first rule is to trust your instinct. If you think something is wrong with your baby then you need to take them to the doctor. Better safe than sorry! There is a lot that goes into keeping your baby safe and this course outlines the important information you need to know about keeping your baby happy and healthy. Taught by lactation and baby care experts, Corky Harvey, MS, RN, IBCLC and Wendy Haldeman MN, RN, IBCLC, who together have 70 years of experience with babies, this course will guide you through:
healthcare providers and immunizations
taking your baby’s temperature
baby proofing your house
how to keep your baby safe in the car
how to properly bathe your baby


The videos in this course show real babies in real life situations. This course is taught by lactation and baby care experts, Corky Harvey and Wendy Haldeman, who together have 70 years experience working with babies. They show you exactly how to do properly care for your baby to make sure he/she is safe and healthy. They will guide you step-by-step through:
what a newborn exam consists of
healthcare providers and immunizations
how to take your baby’s temperature
baby proofing
the importance of a car seat
how to bathe your baby
attachment parenting
to use a pacifier or not
safe products to use


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