Health and safety in the laboratory and field









Enhance your awareness of health and safety in laboratory and field settings with this free course. Learn about legal requirements, hazard evaluation, and risk assessment for chemical and biological agents. Develop risk assessments for scientific laboratories using chemicals or biological organisms. Start learning now!

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Health, safety and risk assessment are of paramount importance both in the laboratory and the field. This free course, Health and safety in the laboratory and field, will help make you more aware of the hazards and risks involved wherever you undertake your research, as well as giving you an overview of the legal requirements attached to this work. The course discusses issues involved in the handling of chemical and biological agents, basic safety procedures and common field-work hazards.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

Understand the legal framework of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and Regulations associated with it

Understand the employers’, employees’ and visitors’ duties

Evaluate hazards and risks in order to carry out a risk assessment

Understand the legal requirement to report any accident or dangerous occurrence

Develop risk assessments for scientific laboratories that use chemicals or biological organisms or both.


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    Health and safety in the laboratory and field
    Health and safety in the laboratory and field
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