Quantitative Reasoning








This course teaches students the practical application of calculations in everyday life, such as decision-making, saving money, estimating, understanding media reports, etc. This course is designed to make math approachable for all learners and not only those planning to be mathematicians or engineers. This course helps students gain confidence in their mathematical abilities while supplying them with the essentials to navigate math in their daily life.

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Course Objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to:

Solve problems based on various operations on numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents
Apply the unit conversion rules to solve the problems based on unit conversions
Solve problems based on perimeter, area, and volume of various shapes
Apply estimation techniques in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions
Solve equations with an unknown value
Construct and solve equations involving x
Solve problems based on rate and comparison involving x
Apply mathematics to everyday problems based on personal finances, health, utilities, and investments
Interpret tables and graphs for linear functions and piecewise linear functions
Sketch the graph using slope and intercept
Utilize various formulas in the spreadsheet
Construct bar charts and pie charts in spreadsheet
Interpret true-false statements, and if-then statements
Solve problems based on logical operators AND/OR/NOT, sets, and Venn diagrams
Interpret the statements using logical deduction and logical induction
Solve problems involving averages, median, spread, and margins of error
Compare between averages of two subpopulations
Solve problems using counting methods
Apply addition and multiplication rules of probabilities
Solve expected value problems
Identify domain, and range of functions
Show behavior of graphs 
Solve problems based on rates of change
Apply composition, transformation, and inverse operations to the functions
Sketch the graphs of linear functions
Apply linear models to data
Sketch the graphs of exponential, and logarithmic functions
Solve problems based on exponential and logarithmic equations
Apply exponential models to data
Solve ranked choice voting problems
Interpret winners based on different types of voting
Apply apportionment paradoxes to election results
Predict presidents in electoral college problems


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