0- Arabic Tayseer – Learn The Arabic Alphabet + 200 words
Learn the Arabic alphabet, important words, common expressions, and basic grammar rules in an easy and effective way. By the end of this course, you will be able to read sentences in Arabic and communicate confidently. Perfect for those who want to learn the Arabic language.
What you’ll learn
- The Arabic Alphabet
- Important words
- Common expressions
- Basic grammar rules
You will learn the Arabic Alphabet in a very easy and effective way.
By the end of this short course you will be able to read the following sentences in Arabic:
1- أنا مَـحْمُـود، وأنا مُعَلِّمٌ مِن مِصْر.
I am Mahmoud, and I am a teacher from Egypt.
2- اِسْـمِي مَـرْيَـم، وأنا طالِبَةٌ مِن باكِسْتان.
My name is Maryam, and I am a student from Pakistan.
3- كَيْفَ حالُك؟
How are you?
4- أنـا بِـخَـيْــرٍ، والْـحَمْدُ لله.
I am fine, praise be to Allah.
5- مِن أَيْنَ أنتَ يا إبْـراهِيم؟
Who are you, Ibraheem?
6- يا مُصْطَفَى، هَلْ أنتَ عَـرَبِـيّ؟
Mostafa, are you arab?
7- يا خَدِيـجَة، هل أنتِ عَربـيَّـة؟
Khadeejah, are you arab?
8- مَن هذا؟
Who is this (m.)?.
9- مَن هذِه؟
Who is this (f.)?.
10- هذا أَخِي حُسَـيْـن، وهُوَ مُـهَـنْـدِس.
This is my brother Hussain, and he is an engineer.
11- هذا صَدِيقِي آدَم. هُوَ طالِبٌ مِنَ الْيَمَن.
This is my friend Adam. He is a student from Yemen.
12- هذهِ أُخْـتِـي عائِشَة، وهِيَ طَـبِـيـبَـة.
This is my sister Aa’ishah, and she is a doctor.
13- هذهِ صَدِيقَتِـي هُدَى. هِيَ مُعَلِّمةٌ مِنَ الْـعِـراق.
This is my friend Hoda. She is a teacher from Iraq.
14- أُمِّي طَبِـيـبَـةٌ، وأُختـي طالِـبـة.
My mother is a doctor, and my sister is a student.
15- أَبِـي مُعلمٌ، وأَخي أَيْضًا.
My father is a teacher, and my brother is too.
16- ما هذا؟
What is this?
17- هذا قَلَمٌ، وهذا كِـتـاب.
This is a pen, and this is a book.
18- هذا ماءٌ، وهذا عَصِـير.
This is water, and this is juice.
19- هذا خُـبْـزٌ، وهذا عَسَل.
This is bread, and this honey.
20- هذا بَيْتٌ صَغِـيـرٌ، وهذا بيتٌ كَـبِـيـر.
This is a small house, and this a big house.
21- هذا حَـرْفٌ جَدِيد.
This is a new letter.
22- هذهِ كَلِمَةٌ جَدِيدَة.
This is a new word.
23- ذَهَبْتُ إلَـى الْـمَدْرَسَة.
I went to school.
24- ماذَا تَدْرُسُ يا أَنَس؟
What do you study, Anas?
25- أَدْرُسُ اللُّـغـةَ الْـعَـرَبِـيَّـة.
I study Arabic.
26- يا فاطِمة، هل تَدْرُسِينَ اللُّغةَ الْـفَـرَنْسِـيَّـة؟
Fatemah, do you study French?
27- ماذا تُرِيدُ يا حَسَـن؟
What do you want, Hassan?
28- ماذا تُـرِيدِينَ يا لَـيْـلَى؟
What do you want, Laila?
29- أُرِيدُ هذا الْكِتاب.
I want this book.
30- لا أُريدُ هذا الْقَلَم.
I don’t want this pen.
31- أُريدُ ماءً وعَصِيرًا مِن فَضْلِك.
I want water and juice please..
32- هل تُـرِيدُ هذا الشَّايَ يا زَكَـرِيَّــا؟
Do you want this tea, Zakariyya?.
33- أُحِبُّ الْـمَوْزَ وَالْـبُـرْتُـقالَ وَالتُّـفّاح.
I like banana, orange and apple.
34- أُحبُّ الشَّايَ، ولا أُحبُّ الْـقَـهْـوَة.
I like tea, and don’t like coffee.
35- يا أُسْتاذ، ما مَعْـنَـى هذهِ الْكَلِمة؟
O teacher (m.), what is the meaning of this word?
36- يا أُستاذة، لا أَفْهَمُ هذا.
O teacher (f.), I don’t understand this.
37- صِفْر – واحِد – اِثْـنان – ثَلاثة – أَرْبَـعـة.
zero – one – two – three – four.
38- مَرْحَــبًـا.
39- أَهْلًا وَسَهْلًا.
Hello, Welcome.
40- عِيدٌ مُـبـارَك.
Blessed Eid..
41- بِسْمِ الله.
In the name of Allah.
42- الْـحَمْدُ لله.
Praise be to Allah..
43- اللهُ أَكْـبَــر.
Allah is the greatest.
44- إنْ شاءَ الله.
Allah willing.
45- تَـوَكَّلْتُ عَلَى الله.
I put my trust in Allah.
46- اللهُ رَبُّـنا.
Allah is my Lord.
47- مُـحمدٌ رَسُولُ اللهِ، صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّـم.
Mohammed is the messenger of Allah, peace and prayers of Allah be upon him.
48- هذهِ آيةٌ مِنَ الْـقُرآنِ الْكَريـم.
This is a verse from the Holy Qur’an.
49- شُكْرًا جَزِيلًا.
Thank you so much.
50- السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُمْ ورَحْـمةُ اللهِ وبَـرَكاتُه.
Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Who this course is for:
- Those who want to learn Arabic Language
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