Access Control and Identity Management








In the Access Control and Identity Management Course taught by Michael Redman, students will get a thorough deep dive into authentication and access control fundamentals, focusing on Security+ exam objectives, which will help them pass the exam.

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Course Description

Access Control, and Identity Management is a fundamental concept you must know when it comes to the

CompTIA Security Plus

and the

certification. By taking this training, you will learn the “How-To’s” when it comes to Identity and Access Management (IdAM) portion of your certification exam. Also relevant to NIST Cybersecurity Framework. This training course taught by Michael Redman, goes over the IDAM functions, explaining how Access Control and Identity Management work together to grant access to resources and constrain what a subject can do with them.

Learning objectives include:

What are network security implementations (e.g., host-based IDS, IPS, access control lists), including their function and placement in a network.

What are network security implementations (e.g., host-based IDS, IPS, access control lists), including their function and placement in a network.

How to apply host/network access controls (e.g., access control list).

How to apply host/network access controls (e.g., access control list).

How to develop and apply security system access controls.

How to evaluate access for intelligence value.

How to access information on current assets available, usage.

How to access the databases where plans/directives/guidance are maintained.

Module 1: Access Control Fundamentals

Module 2: Authentication and Account Management

Module 3: Course Assessment


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