Animation from Scratch with Adobe Animate








Learn to master the art of comical animation and storytelling

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Josep Bernaus is a 2D animator and has worked on animation series and advertising projects for major clients such as the BBC, CNN, or TVE. However, he has never put aside his personal projects, which have always been focused on humor as a means of telling a story through animation.

In this online course, he teaches you how to tackle small 2D animation projects with Adobe Animate, creating your own characters and making them the protagonists of funny stories based on your ideas.

To begin, Josep talks to you about his work and the importance that personal projects have always had for him, since they allow you to develop your creativity with no limits.

Next, he proposes some exercises and games to help you springboard your creativity and ignite ideas, the essential ingredients to obtain good results in any animation project.

Analyze different types of humor, one of his favorite genres in which to create animated sketches. Focus on “slapstick”, a type of exaggerated comedy based on the dramatization of the blows suffered by the protagonists.

Learn what staging is, how to control the spotlight, and how to create twists and turns, which allow you to keep the viewer’s eyes glued to the screen. In addition, study the structure of the story and see several examples of how it has been applied in different sketches.


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    Animation from Scratch with Adobe Animate
    Animation from Scratch with Adobe Animate
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