Big Data Analytics: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Future








Last updated on December 24, 2024 10:06 am

We produce more data than ever before. Find out how ‘big data analytics’ can help you make use of it.

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Who is the course for?

This course would suit anyone interested in learning about the fast-growing field of big data, including those considering a career in the industry. It may be of particular use to social media users, or those interested in seeing how big data may affect their particular industry.

What topics will you cover?

Introduction to big data and where it comes from

Overview of the data analytics cycle

Social media platforms and types of data

Applications of big data across different industries

Opportunities and challenges for big data analytics

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…

Explain the key concepts of big data analytics

Evaluate data from different sources

Identify implications of big data analytics

Describe how big data analytics can solve problems across disciplines


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    Big Data Analytics: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Future
    Big Data Analytics: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Future
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