Learn French in a practical and engaging way with this course. Improve your language skills through project-based learning and daily practice. Suitable for teaching children and beginners. Start your French journey today!
What you’ll learn
- Powerful Tips to Improve French
- Project-based learning: useful French in everyday real-world situation
- Discipline, practice and goal setting
- Think different
# build-morning-ritual-one-minute-daily-french
## Développer L’autodiscipline Quotidienne
## How to Learn French
« Dans l’apprentissage, n’ayez pas peur de faire des erreurs ! Osez vous lancer ! »
Success (goal) == “longtemps preparation” + “looking for opportunities” + “believe in future”
# Why this course is created? #
Because this course is designed to inspire you to “think differently”: learn as you go, a different way to learn, to practice, and to teach your children or other people (“teaching is learning twice”).
# Why choose this course? #
“Phil, what do you think of this class?”
“This is the result of the learning experiences that she has acquired, and I am sure you will enjoy learning with her. This course, in digital format, contains all its active learning tips allowing you to self-train in the French language.”
# Pourquoi choisir ce cours ? #
« Phil, que penses-tu de son cours ? »
« Il s’agit du fruit de ses expériences d’apprentissage qu’elle a acquis, et je suis certain que vous apprécierez la lecture de son cours. »
« Ce cours, au format digital, contient toutes ses astuces d’apprentissage actif vous permettrait de vous auto-former dans la langue Française. »
# How to learn to speak French: “P-D-L-W-T-R-W-P-L-T”: #
Study tips – I’ve learned the hard way (by encountering and overcoming several trials and problems in life: noise, distraction, space, etc.) by figuring them out by myself before doing these lecture series courses. I’ve built an “unbreakable self-discipline” to apply for self-study in daily life. So this is valuable guidance that I share with you.
– Practice!
– Dictate!
– Listen!
– Watch!
– Talk!
– Read!
– Write!
– Play and Laugh!
– Teach others!
Productivité => « Pourquoi » + « But » + « Organisation » + « Concentration » + « Examen blanc chaque jour »
Dictate => Grammar => Vocabulary => Listening => Reading => Writing
# Course rating and reviews #
I will be thankful if you leave a constructive review to help me to build a better course in the future.
S’il vous plaît ! Laisser votre avis à propos de ce cours, écrire quelques mots, votre avis donne vie à ce cours, je vous serai extrêment reconnaisssante.
Merci à vous !
Merci à Phil !
Merci à Scratch ! “Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.”
Bien cordialement,
Elise ; – )
Who this course is for:
- You want to teach your children or other people
- You are curious about how to improve FRENCH
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