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Help students learn to collaborate effectively in any class with significant team projects.

Faculty teaching a course with a significant team project component (more than 5 weeks) can embed this innovative mini-course to help their students be more successful in group activities.

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Along with ConflictU, CollaborativeU is part of the “Collaboration Suite.”

This 2-unit mini-course teaches introductory teamwork, primarily basic diversity and conflict communication skills. It is designed to embed in courses with a significant team project component, assigned when student teams are formed. It sets expectations for high-performance teams, and research has shown that it improves students’ understanding of and attitudes towards teamwork, leading to higher peer review scores and greater efficacy. The 2-3 hour experience includes both online and in-team learning activities.

For a full preview of a subset of the CollaborativeU course, log onto your OLI account and enter the course key collabprev on your My Courses page.

What students will learn

By the end of this mini-course, students will have basic diversity and conflict communication skills. They will:

be motivated to improve their collaboration skills.

assess their work styles, conflict styles, social sensitivity, and whether they are internal or external processors.

compile and practice sharing collaboration-related information about themselves with their teams.

share, as teams, collaboration-related information about members, relate the information to factors affecting success of teams, and discuss contributions expected from individual members.

be able to explain the importance of early recognition of conflict by themselves and other team members.

be able to choose approaches to conflict strategically rather than habitually.

be able to list some features of Active Listening and tell the difference between poor listening and Active Listening.

be able to list the features and components of assertion messages.

have a basic understanding of when to deploy assertion message


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