Drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment








This e-course will guide you through the essentials of latest existing WHO guidelines and policy recommendations on drug-resistant TB. You will also learn more about the rationale behind the WHO recommendations for the management of DR-TB, implementation considerations for different regimens for eligible patient groups, adjunctive treatment, the active TB drug safety monitoring and management framework, and the analysis and interpretation of performance indicators.

The main focus of the e-course is programmatic

Clinical aspects are only discussed when relevant to specific topics.

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This e-learning course was developed by WHO. It is a comprehensive, self-paced online course that follows the content of the WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis. Module 4: drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment.

Course duration:

5 To 6 hours

What you’ll learn; Who this course is for

Select the appropriate treatment regimen for drug-resistant TB (shorter or longer) for eligible patient groups, taking into consideration the needs of various subgroups, the country context, epidemiological background, patient’s history and results of drug-susceptibility testing

Explain the implementation considerations for different regimens for eligible patient groups, adjunctive treatment and the active TB drug safety monitoring and management framework (known as aDSM)

Analyse and interpret key indicators of drug-resistant TB and explain how to assess the effectiveness of treatment of drug-resistant TB through cohort analysis.

This e-learning course is intended for persons who provide guidance to countries on the uptake of WHO guidelines

For example managers of national tuberculosis (TB) programmes, technical staff at ministries of health, WHO staff, staff of technical agencies, consultants and anyone supporting countries and major subnational units in the development and implementation of drug-resistant TB policies and guidelines. It is assumed that you have experience working on TB and are familiar with WHO TB guidelines.


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