Exploratory Data Analysis in Power BI
Enhance your reports with Power BI’s Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Learn what EDA is for Power BI and how it can help you extract insights from your data.
Course Description
Enhance your reports with Power BI’s Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). You’ll start by using descriptive statistics to spot outliers, identify missing data, and apply imputation techniques to fill gaps in your dataset. You’ll then learn how EDA in Power BI can help you discover the relationships between variables—both categorical and continuous— by using basic statistical measures and box and scatter plots.
What You’ll Learn
Initial Exploratory Data Analysis in Power BI
You’ll begin this Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) course by learning how to use descriptive statistics and identify missing data, and apply imputation techniques to fill the gaps in your data.
EDA with Categorical Variables
Now it’s time to explore the relationships between categorical variables using proportions. You’ll then use box plots and descriptive statistics to determine how a continuous variable is influenced by a categorical one.
Distributions and Outliers
In the second chapter of this course you’ll learn how to identify and address outliers within the dataset. You will build histograms to analyze distributions and use winsorizing to remove outliers.
Relationships between Continuous Variables
In the final chapter, you’ll dive into scatter plots to analyze the relationship between two continuous variables and calculate the correlation coefficient.