Financial accounting
Develop your accounting skills and knowledge to interpret financial statements, measure performance and assess financial health.
Are you eligible for this microcredential?
This is an introductory course, and no previous knowledge of accounting is required. You do not require any specific experience or qualifications to enrol.
The course draws on practical examples from many industries. It has a global focus and delivers transferable skills for diverse sectors and organisations.
The course material does not assume that learners are currently working. Past experiences will be just as relevant.
Is this microcredential right for you?
This microcredential will increase your confidence to interpret financial statements and make informed decisions about business performance. In particular, it will help:
Non-financial and emerging managers from any discipline
Stakeholders interested in how businesses are performing
Professionals who would like to progress to management level
Professionals who are new to financial management but lack formal qualifications
Senior professionals looking to develop financial accounting skills
Self-employed professionals looking to develop skills and knowledge of financial accounting