Free Online Petty Cash Accounting Course








Last updated on December 18, 2024 4:37 am

This is a comprehensive Petty Cash Accounting course for those that need to record and account for Petty Cash and Bank.

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This free online Professional Bookkeeping and Accounting course will teach you how to to record and account for Petty Cash and Bank transactions comprehensively. This course teaches you about each of the processes underlying petty cash and bank transactions, and about all of their relevant reconciliations. Start this free online course today to learn this basic and essential bookkeeping and accounting knowledge.

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Describe how to raise petty cash vou…
  • Explain how to enter petty cash tran…
  • Describe how to close the daybook an…
  • Describe how to reconcile the petty …
  • Describe how to raise petty cash vouchers
  • Explain how to enter petty cash transactions to the petty cash daybook
  • Describe how to close the daybook and calculate the balance carried down
  • Describe how to reconcile the petty cash
  • Describe how to replenish the petty cash
  • Describe how to check remittance advice
  • Explain about enter payments and receipts to the 3 column and analysis cash book
  • Describe how to close the cash book and calculate the balance carried down
  • Describe how to reconcile the bank
  • Course Introduction

    In this module we will get you primed for the body of the course.; Module

    Petty Cash – Transactions and Reconciliations

    Learn how to record transactions for Petty cash and how to carry out a petty cash reconciliation.; Module

    Bank – Transactions and Reconciliations

    Learn how to record transactions for the bank and how to carry out a bank reconciliation.; Module

    Course assessment


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