#NoExcuse Webinar Series








WHO has a zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of Sexual Misconduct (SM) and is committed to capacitating our workforce, partners and collaborators to prevent, protect from and respond effectively and quickly to any allegation of SM. Joining forces across agencies to fight SM can power our efforts and positively impact communities, victims and survivors directly.

Keep an eye out for announcements via email and Workplace, as in 2023, WHO, together with partners and experts worldwide, will run six webinars. The webinars information will be advertised through internal and external WHO’s channels.

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——————————————————— 2023 webinars ————————————————————-

Tuesday, 02 May 2023 – 07:00 and 15:00 CET

Webinar 2: Managing sexual misconduct risks in WHO technical and operational programs

Dr Arvind Mathur, Dr Jamela Al-Raiby, Ms Meriana Zaki, Ms Anne Njoroge and moderated by Dr Gaya Gamhewage.

Course contents

Protecting communities from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA): are we doing enough? – 15 September 2021

Putting survivors and victims at the heart of our work on addressing SEAH – 13 April 2022

Positive masculinity to ignite cultural change for the prevention and response to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment – 12 May 2022

Ensuring our implementing partners prevent and respond to SEAH – 22 June

Implementing services for victims and survivors of SEA – 22 September

Assessing SEA Risk on our programmes and operations – 20 October

Safeguarding our programmes and operations – 22 Nov.

WHO’s New Policy and Strategy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct – 28 Februray 2023

Managing sexual misconduct risks in WHO technical and operational programmes – 02 May 2023

Working with our implementing partners to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct – 20 June 2023 :
Many of us work with implementing partners, such as community-based organizations, NGOs, and others, to deliver public health interventions on behalf of the WHO. Our efforts to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct must include the risks posed by these implementing partners. This year, WHO will use the UN PSEA Capacity Assessment Tool to determine the risks of sexual exploitation and abuse posed by our implementing partners and initiate efforts to strengthen their ability to prevent and respond to such risks. If you or your team, work through implementing partners, we invite you to watch this webinar to learn how to manage the risks of sexual misconduct associated with them and to discover how other UN agencies are already addressing this issue and learn about the actions we, as WHO personnel, must take as our organization implements the assessment tool and related activities.


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