HIST362: Modern Revolutions
Explore the causes, ideologies, and impacts of political revolutions from the 17th century to today. Gain critical insights through close readings of historical sources. Discover the significance of revolutions in shaping contemporary politics. Join our course now!
In this course, we study some of the most important political revolutions that took place between the 17th century and today.
We explore the causes of each revolution, analyze the ideologies that inspired the revolutionaries, examine revolutionary uses of violence, and consider how historical revolutions still shape contemporary politics.
Close and critical readings of historical sources are critical to this process.
Unit 1: What is Revolution?
Unit 2: Revolution and Modernity
Unit 3: 17th Century England: Revolution or Civil War?
Unit 4: The American Revolution: Ideas and Experience
Unit 5: The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity
Unit 6: Revolutionary Mexico and Legacies of Colonialism
Unit 7: Revolutionary Russia: Marxist Theory and Agrarian Realities
Unit 8: Two Revolutions in China: Liberalism and Marxism in a New Context
Unit 9: Revolution and Religion: The Islamic Republic of Iran
Unit 10: 1989: Nonviolence and the End of the Cold War
Unit 11: Revolution in Perspective