Intro To Calculus 1

- 82%






Last updated on September 8, 2024 12:15 am

Learn all the techniques for finding limits, derivatives, and integrals in this comprehensive video-based course. Perfect for business calculus, AP calculus AB, Calculus 1, and first semester college students. Gain a solid foundation in calculus and apply it to real-world problems. No unnecessary downloads, just step-by-step video tutorials. Improve your problem-solving skills and become proficient in finding limits and derivatives. Master u-substitution, definite and indefinite integrals, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Get ready for calculus 2 with this course.

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What you’ll learn

  • Learn all the different techniques for finding limits including: 4 types of discontinuities, limits at infinity, limits with radicals, trig limits, l’hopital
  • Learn all different techniques for finding derivatives including: power rule, product rule, quotient, chain rule, logarithmic, rolles theorem, mean value thm
  • Applying derivatives in real world such as max and min problems, related rates problem, and extremas
  • Finally introduce the basics of what a limit is? Including u-substitution, definite, and indefinite integrals

This course is broken in three section: limits, derivatives, and integrals.  You will understand the meaning of what a limit is, and the different techniques for finding limits including: 4 types of discontinuities, limits at infinity, limits with radicals, trig limits, l’hopital rule, and basic limits problems. You will learn what is a derivative, and all the different techniques for finding a derivative including: power rule, product rule, quotient rule, implicit differentiation, chain rule, logarithmic derivatives, rolles theorem, mean-value theorem, extremas. Also you will apply derivatives in the real world such as max and min problems, related rate problems. Finally you will be introduced to limits such as u-substitution, indefinite, and definite integrals, fundamental theorem of calculus. Everything is video based lecture there’s no unnecessary downloads. I recommend getting a large notebook, and writing down good as we go along as if you were in a real university. All the practice problems are video based with step by step guide in solving the problems. You can work on your own paste, and pause any time. After completing this course you will be good at finding any limit, finding any type of derivative with a good foundation of solving a word problem involving derivatives. Also you will have a good foundation of what a limit is and using using u-substitution, definite, indefinite integral, and fundamental theorem calculus which will come in handy in calculus 2.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is perfect for business calculus, AP calculus AB, Calculus 1, and first semester college students

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