Intro to Deep Learning and Autonomous Systems – Machine Learning Course
Discover the benefits and risks of deep learning and its uses in systems such as assistive technology and facial recognition with this online course from the University of York.
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for anyone interested in machine learning and looking to further their understanding of recent innovations and research in the area.
It will be especially useful if you are looking to apply to a related undergraduate programme in the near future.
To fully engage with the materials we recommend you have at least some experience of A-Level Maths (or equivalent).
What topics will you cover?
Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Computer Vision using Deep Learning
Analysis of faces, people and activities
Autonomous Systems
Safety and Ethics of machine learning
What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…
Describe the differences between machine learning and conventional programming
Investigate the classification of images through deep learning
Identify the social and medical benefits of assistive technology
Reflect upon the ways data is collected and processed in autonomous vehicles
Discuss the ethical issues surrounding autonomous vehicles