Introducing key global development challenges
Discover the four key challenges in global development – conflict, governance, justice, and transformation. Explore how these challenges shape our world and learn how to critically engage with global issues like migration. Enhance your understanding of fundamental development principles with this course.
Global development requires thinking about
Social, economic, political, cultural and environmental change in ways that
Acknowledge the complexity and interconnectedness of our world. Global issues
Such as climate change and poverty transcend national boundaries and affect everyone. This free course introduces four key ‘challenges’ as a spur to thinking
Critically and creatively about responding to development issues on a global
Scale. You will identify how the four challenges of conflict, governance,
Justice, and transformation cut-across all areas of global development and call
Attention to fundamental principles and concerns such as peace, equality and
Making ‘good change’ happen. In seeking to tackle pressing development issues,
How do we negotiate the conflicting interests of different people and
Institutions? How can resources be managed in ways that are equitable and fair? How do we decide what ‘good change’ might look like and how can it be achieved? Such challenges provoke deep questioning. They unsettle as well as promote
Alternative visions of what we mean by development and how it might be pursued.This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course DD871 Key challenges in global development. You might also be interested in the related OpenLearn course, DD870 Introducing global development. To find out more, explore this OpenLearn article, which includes a video explaining what you can expect to learn.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
Appreciate how the four key challenges are used in this course to explore and identify fundamental development principles
Acquire a basic understanding of the nature of the four key challenges, namely conflict, governance, justice and transformation
Engage critically with a global development issue, that of migration, through the lens of the four key challenges.