Introduction to Programming in Java
This course is focused on the interactive learning of programming in Java foundations and emphasizes a solid understanding of memory. From the moment variables are introduced, the material shows via animations how variables exist and are updated in memory. The continued showing of memory helps clarify challenging topics like pass-by-copy/reference parameters, object creation, garbage collection, and more. Furthermore, the material includes emphasis on disciplined program development, including incremental development, modular development, and testing/debugging.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Use standard input and output, and understand common syntax errors
Declare and initialize variables with valid identifiers
Develop programs that branch based on user input
Combine loops and arrays/lists, and develop programs with multiple arrays/lists
Write a function/method, then return from a function/method and parameterize a function
Initialize class variables with class constructor
Create derived and abstract classes
Write a recursive function
Use binary search, O notation, and algorithm analysis