Learn Easy Complete Comprehensive Sanskrit for Competency

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Last updated on February 19, 2025 10:32 am

This comprehensive Sanskrit course is designed to take your language skills to the next level. With over 150 lectures, exercises, and practice sessions, you will gain a thorough understanding of sentence construction, verb forms, noun declension, and more. By completing this course, you will be able to comprehend Sanskrit texts independently and even teach others. Perfect for those with basic knowledge of Sanskrit, this course will equip you with the tools to explore the world of Sanskrit texts. Start your journey today!

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What you’ll learn

  • Adjective and Adverbs with Declension and Practice Sessions
  • Most frequently used Vowel and Consonant Ending Nouns and Declension in all Seven Cases
  • Passive voice sentence Construction and derivation of Verb forms
  • Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Tenses, Adjectives, Numbers, Time, Vibhakti (Cases) etc.
  • Usage of Upasarga (Prefixes) and derivation of Verb forms in different tense and moods
  • Krtanta Shabda like Shatru Shanach and Kta
  • Over hundreds of Verbs, Nouns and Indeclinable
  • Present, Past, Future and Order-Request Complete Verb Forms of Atmanapada
  • Over hundred and fifty Subhashitam Word by Word Analysis and meanings
  • All these with exercises and practice sessions using over 150 plus lectures
  • And over 50 Story Comprehensions with Word by Word meaning and analysis

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This Course is mainly designed with the objectives of taking your Sanskrit Language Knowledge to a level further, so as to get complete and comprehensive understanding of this language structure and sentence constructions, with a lot of hands on sessions of basic Topics, Subhashitam Analysis and Story Comprehension with Word by Word explanation.

With basic elementary knowledge of Sanskrit, from this course you can get the maximum by dedicating an hour daily, and following my methodologies, to get a fine grip on this Ancient Sanskrit Language.

This course is divided in to two levels, in continuation of my earlier course-1 namely “Complete Comprehensive and Easy Sanskrit for Beginners“, where we already learned in three levels the basics of Sanskrit Language.

In Level-4 of this course, you will be taken in to the frequently used Vowel ending and Consonant ending words found in many Sanskrit texts and how to decline all such words in all the seven cases. And, we will study more Indeclinable than what we studied in Beginners Course-1. Moreover, frequently encountered Sarvanama Padam (Pronoun) will be explained with hands on exercises and by analyzing in stories and subhashitam.

Also, you will be introduced to online Sanskrit Dictionary and Tools, to immediately refer for meanings and Declension Table of Nouns and also, Infliction of Verbs, and how to effectively use such resources.

In Level-5 of this course, You will get complete and comprehensive knowledge of Atmanepada Verbs, Upasarga and how to derive different Passive Forms of Verbs with or without Upasarga. How the Commonly encountered verbs with Upasarga are derived in Present, Past, Future and Order/Request Mood tenses will become clear after completion of this course.

We will explore the Adjectives, Chit/Chana Pratyaya, Kta, Shatru/Shanach Krudanta Words, Ordinal Numbers and how to derive the forms in seven cases with lot of exercises and how the usages are employed in Subhashitam and Stories by word by word analysis.

We will study the Passive Voice Construction of sentences, which is one of the most confusing or perplexing topic for the beginner. With step by step explanation and followed by hands on sessions, and further analyzing the sentence constructions in stories, we will get thorough idea on this topic.

Over 150 Subhashitam and 50 Story Comprehension are analyzed for Word by Word meaning and sentence constructions, in this course.

Overall, by completing this course, you will be competent in comprehending different Sanskrit Texts on your own, and a step closer to explore the World of Sanskrit Texts. You will be further learning more on this language from my third course mainly focused on Sandhi, Noun Derivation, Verb Derivation and most frequently used Krdanda and Taddhidanda Words, in five different levels.

By completing all my three courses, arranged in ten different levels, you will be equipped well to explore the Sanskrit Text on your own without the help of others and you will start teaching this Ancient Language to others…

Wish you all the Best.. Give a try…

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone with basic knowledge of Sanskrit Alphabets and preliminary knowledge
  • Those who want to explore Sanskrit Texts on their own
  • Those who like to take up different Exams conducted by Samskruta Bharati NGO and other such Institutions or School Exams

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    Learn Easy Complete Comprehensive Sanskrit for Competency
    Learn Easy Complete Comprehensive Sanskrit for Competency