Mobile app development questions and answers MCQ

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Last updated on March 14, 2025 2:32 am

Learn mobile app development and certification interview questions and answers for Android, iOS, Flutter, and Dart. Explore licensing, virtual machines, language, APK, API, content providers, AVD, activity lifecycle, kernel, ADB, OHA, and more. Perfect for beginners.

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Mobile application development interview and certification questions and answers

Android app questions with answers

Ios app related questions and answers

Flutter and dart multiple choice questions and answers

Under which of the following Android is licensed? For which of the following Android is mainly developed? Which of the following is the first mobile phone released that ran the Android OS? Which of the following virtual machine is used by the Android operating system? Android is based on which of the following language? APK stands for ________________. What does API stand for? Which of the following converts Java byte code into Dalvik byte code? How can we stop the services in android? What is the use of content provider in Android? Does android support other languages than java? We require an AVD to create an emulator. What does AVD stand for? Which of the following is not an activity lifecycle callback method? Which of the following is the first callback method that is invoked by the system during an activity life-cycle? Which of the following kernel is used in Android? On which of the following, developers can test the application, during developing the android applications? ADB stands for _____________. How can we kill an activity in android? What is an activity in android? AAPT stands for ______________. NDK stands for__________________________. Which of the following is contained in the src folder? Which of the following method is used to handle what happens after clicking a button? Which of the following android component displays the part of an activity on screen? Which of the following is the parent class of Activity? Which of the following is the parent class of service? OHA in android stands for __________________. In which of the following tab an error is shown? In which year OHA (Open Handset Alliance) is announced? Which of the following is the name of the Android version 1.5? Which of the following is the topmost layer of android architecture? Which of the layer is below the topmost layer of android architecture? Which of the layer is the lowest layer of android architecture? What is contained in manifest.xml? Which of the following is not a state in the service lifecycle? Which of the following is not a nickname of any android version? Which of the following is a dialog class in android? In which state the activity is, if it is not in focus, but still visible on the screen?

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    Mobile app development questions and answers MCQ