Mobile Automation with Appium in JavaScript








Discover the power of Appium, an open-source tool for automating native, web, and hybrid applications on various platforms. Learn about setup, element interactions, timeouts, and more in this comprehensive course. Get hands-on experience and explore the Git repo for course code. Start your journey with Appium today!

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Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, web, and hybrid applications on different platforms.

It is cross-platform and allows tests to be run against different platforms.

The Appium server is written in Node.JS and can be installed from source or directly from NPM.

There is also an alternative GUI wrapper that we will be using throughout this course.

There are client libraries which support Appium extension to the WebDriver protocol. One such library is WebdriverIO that we will be using throughout this course.

Here I will give you a guideline of what we will be going through in this course.

First, we’ll be looking at Setup and Dependencies, where we will install the Appium server and its dependencies, look at test APKs, desired capabilities, and set up our first Appium project.

We will then look at Element Interactions with commands like findElement, sendKeys, clear, click, submit, and other commands of such.

We will be looking at Sessions, switching screen orientation, and taking screenshots.

We will also be looking at TimeOuts and Implicit Waits.

We will then move on to Element Attributes where we will look at getText and getting different value from different attributes of an element.

We will also look at Element State, which entails isSelected, isDisplayed, and other commands as such.

Lastly, we will be looking at key takeaways from this course.

Okay, let’s go ahead and get our hands dirty.

Git Repo for Course Code

Appium Website

TAU Course: Automated Visual Testing with Appium


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