.NET Core – Top 50 Interview Questions & Answers

- 70%






Last updated on September 8, 2024 1:24 am

Prepare for .NET Core interviews with this comprehensive course. Learn the advantages, project structure, dependency injection, middleware, and more. Perfect for those seeking .NET Core jobs.

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What you’ll learn

  • Top 50 .NET Core Interview Questions and Answers
  • All important .NET Core questions from interview perspective
  • Questions with Answers explained with Examples
  • Learn .NET Core in Q&A format

This course will help you in preparing for the most important questions asked in .NET core interviews.

This course contains 50 MOST IMPORTANT questions with answers in detail.

The topics covered in this course are

1. .NET Core Advantages

2. Program.cs file

3. Startup.cs file

4. ConfigureServices and Configure method in .NET Core

5. Dependency Injection

6. Middleware

7. AddSingleton/ AddTransient/ AddScoped methods

8. Kestrel

9. Run, Use & Map method

10. Request Processing Pipeline

11. Metapackages

12. Error Handling

13. Routing

14. .NET Standard

Some Questions are listed here:

What is .NETcore?

What are the advantages of .NET core over .NET framework?

Explain default project structure in asp.net core application?

What is the role of Program.cs file?

What is the role of Startup.cs file?

What is the role of Configureservices and Configure method?

What is Dependency Injection in asp.net core? Or
how can we inject the service dependency into the controller?

Describe the service lifetimes in asp.net core? Or
What is the difference between AddSingleton, AddScoped & AddTransient?

What is Middleware?

What is Kestrel?


This is a very specific course which will only have .NET core interview questions.

No questions of C#, MVC and asp.net will be covered in this course.

Basic knowledge of C# is required for this course.

Who this course is for:

  • Those who are looking for .NET Core jobs

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    .NET Core – Top 50 Interview Questions & Answers
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