NGINX, PHP, MySQL, SSL & WordPress
Learn how to install and secure phpMyAdmin so that you can safely use it to manage your databases on Ubuntu. Learn how to modify the NGNIX block configuration.
This free online course will introduce you to easy steps to install and secure phpMyAdmin. You will learn how to use it to manage your databases on Ubuntu safely. This course will show you how to set up a domain name to point to the NGINX server. It also explains how to make changes to the WordPress configuration file to ensure it works correctly. Sign up now!
What You Will Learn In This Free Course
Difference between Apache And NGINX
This module introduces you to Apache and NGINX. You will be taught the difference between Apache and NGINX. In this module, you will learn about deploying a virtual server and installing NGINX. This module describes the process of installing MySQL. You will learn how to install Php, in order to generate and serve dynamic content.
Domain and WordPress Configuration
This module teaches you how to setup a domain name to point to the NGINX server. Discover the easy way to install PhpMyAdmin and ensure its accessibility is highly restricted. It outlines the major benefits of WordPress. Learn how to create a database, also how to create MySQL accounts. Learn how to make changes to the WordPress configuration file.
Course assessment