Physics: Newton’s Laws of Motion (AP Physics, IIT JEE, NEET)






Last updated on March 9, 2025 1:30 am

Learn Newton’s laws of motion, center of mass, linear momentum, collisions, and more in this comprehensive physics course. With visual explanations and personal support, you’ll gain a deep understanding of mechanics. Perfect for high school students, competitive exam preparation, physics enthusiasts, and teachers looking to enhance their teaching skills. Lifetime access, certificate of completion, and money-back guarantee included. Enroll now and start mastering physics today!

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What you’ll learn

  • Newtons’ first law of motion – bodies in motion and rest
  • Newton’s second law of motion: Net Force = Mass X Acceleration
  • What is weight, gravitational force and normal reaction
  • What exactly is tension in a chord?
  • Newton’s third law of motion: making sense of action and reaction
  • Conceptual understanding of free body diagram, blocks & pulleys
  • Static friction and dynamic friction
  • Accelerating elevators and weight loss (Part 1)
  • Accelerating elevators and weight loss (Part 2)
  • Center of mass | learn how to find it
  • Newton’s 2nd law of motion and how it relates to center of mass
  • Linear momentum and Force realtionship
  • Collision and Impulse | how do you calculate
  • Law of conservation of linear momentum
  • What exactly is elastic, inelastic and completely inelastic collision
  • Momentum & energy conservation: bullet in a pendulum
  • Elastic collision – velocity change with varying mass
  • Collision in two dimension
  • The rocket equation

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Physics can answer a lot of question. If Newton’s third law is true then how does a horse pull a cart. The cart should pull the horse back with the same force.

Well, when the horse pulls the cart, it is true the the cart also pulls the horse with the same force. However, the dynamics are a little more complex. Well does not mean that the force that the horse exerts on the cart has got cancelled. The cart will continue to to experience the pull and so would the horse from the cart being pulled. In a way they are 2 separate forces, each acting on separate object.

This is the reason problems around Newton’s laws of motion are solved by using “free body diagrams”. So if you see the horse in “isolation”, the horse is pulled in the direction of the cart (say right ), the horse itself is also applying a “force” towards the left. As a result, the net force (force vector to the left and force vector to the right) produce a net force vector that makes the horse and the system move

Newton’s laws of motion include three laws Newton’s first law, Newton’s second law, Newton’s third law, that in conjunction are rock bed of classical mechanics. So you can see in the above example, how they help us understand the relationship between a mass or a body and the forces acting upon it and the motion in response to those forces.

The second part of this course introduces you to the following concepts- 1. Center of mass (com) for a system of particles , 2.The velocity and acceleration of the center of mass and 3. Linear momentum for a single particle and a system of particles We will learn how center of mass of a system of masses can represent the system as a point. We also discuss the principle of conservation of linear momentum. We will also use the concept of conservation of linear momentum to study collisions in one and two dimensions and understand how momentum of rockets and the exhaust gases changes with time

Some of the most interesting problems in Physics are found in Mechanics. Most of these problems are around inclined planes, falling objects, frictional forces (static friction and dynamic friction), mass acceleration, velocity etc. Section 2 of this course is a compilation of such interesting problems and how they can be solved using Newton’s laws of motion. The course makes use of calculus in certain places

Whats different about my physics courses:

When I create content for the lessons, I think deeply around the areas where students struggle and feel confused. My lessons tackle these parts in depth. Also, I believe visual representation of various ideas makes a lot of impact. The lessons have visuals and animations that are thought through quite deeply

And most importantly, I make myself available personally to answer questions that a student who has enrolled may have

My physics students wrote this to me

Bobbie Smith:                           Amazing explanations, I really learned a lot. Thank you.

Satyam Jha:                               amazing!! i could not understand vectors in my class but here it is very easy to understand Thanks a lot!!

Csaba:                                        I learned new ideas of approaches. I’m looking to try them in my professional practice as a teacher.Thanks! 🙂

Fernando  P. Radaza:              It help me a lot to understand better about Physics of Work, Power & Energy.

Chamara Dilshan:                    it’s good, explaining every small thing ,it’s good to start physics beginners

Onofrio :                                   The lessons given by the teacher are very interesting! Excellent course!

Simaran:                                    Very deep understanding of the subject Shiva Very knowledgeable and sounds very nice and helpful

Gallina:                                       Excellent the lessons held by the teacher with exhaustive explanations and well illustrated. Well done course! Smith:                                         Great course.The presentation is very clear. Thank you.

Pawan Kumar:                         The way to teaching us is amazing with all diagrams

Samit                                          This course has a lot of good content and very well presented. Thank you

Dani:                                            It was concise and consequent. The exercises were good exposed and explained. Simply excellent. I promise,     that i will use some ideas in my every day practice in my classroom. I’m also teaching physics, but in Hungarian. I finished this course to improve my skills, first of all in interesting approaches, and foreign language skills as well. This course was exactly what I expected!

Remember – you get a lot more than you think

  • You get lifetime access to this course

  • You can write to me for any support

  • A certificate of completion from Udemy

  • money back guarantee (valid within 30 days)

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Who this course is for:

  • Students in High School, AP Physics, Physics 1, CBSE
  • Students preparing for competitive exams – IIT JEE, NEET, Subject SAT and freshman engineering
  • Physics enthusiasts and curious minds
  • Students in home schooling program
  • Physics teachers who wish to improve their physics teaching skills

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    Physics: Newton’s Laws of Motion (AP Physics, IIT JEE, NEET)
    Physics: Newton’s Laws of Motion (AP Physics, IIT JEE, NEET)