Psychotherapy 101

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Last updated on September 7, 2024 11:48 pm

Learn the basics of psychotherapy and understand its importance in mental health. Demystify common myths and find out how to search for a therapist.

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What you’ll learn

  • Aknowledge what psychotherapy is.
  • Discriminate psychotherapy and counseling.
  • Identify the red flags that might indicate the need for help.
  • Understand the benefits of doing psychotherapy.
  • Identify the main broad categories of psychotherapy.
  • Demystifying the most common myths related to psychotherapy.
  • Know how to search for a psychologist/therapist.


Many people have serious difficulties to normalize therapy because of the negative societal stigmas. They may feel that the people arounde them (e.g., friends, family, loved ones) just don’t understand them, yet they feel they have nowhere to turn.

It is important to keep in mind that our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Many people are scared to address their mental health concerns because they cannot be seen. If you are feeling physically ill, you go to a physician to find the cause and take medication. On the other hand, if you are dealing with a mental health challenge, it’s important to reach out to a mental health professional. However, this lack of understanding regarding mental health issues often leads to stigmas on therapy. People are fearful of therapy because of misleading media representations.

So, this course is a brief program that gathers the basic principles of Psychotherapy. Questions like the following will be answered in our lessons.

  • Is psychological therapy right for you?

  • What is psychotherapy?

  • Which are the most common myths about psychotherapy?

  • How many psychotherapies exist?

  • When to consider doing psychotherapy?

  • Why? Which are its benefits?

  • How to get the help you need?

Most of the times people have wrong ideas about what psychotherapy truly is, considering that only “crazy people” or people who are in deep suffering seek for psychological help. This course will help you understand why psychotherapy is so important in our well-being and in our mental health.

If you are considering doing psychotherapy but you have a lot a questions about if it will worth it, this course is for you.

The course is divided in several sections, each of them with materials you can download.


Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who is curious about psychotherapy and mental health should do this course. It is important to educate people about what is psychotherapy and what is not.

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