Reporting Obligations Of Your Charity Part B – Online course








Last updated on December 24, 2024 2:09 pm

Learn about the different aspects of charity financial reporting to the ACNC including annual financial reports, audits, and more.

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Who is the course for?

The second of two short courses, this course is for charity leaders who are responsible for meeting the financial reporting obligations of the ACNC. It is designed for board members and sector advisors such as accountants, auditors, reviewers and bookkeepers.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…

Explain what an annual financial report is and identify its various components.

Describe accounting standards and summarise the differences between general purpose financial statements and special purpose financial statements .

Compare an audit to a review and reflect on the value of receiving constructive feedback to improve your charity’s practices.

Explore the requirements for key management personnel remuneration and apply them to your charity.

Investigate the new related party transactions and disclosure requirements for charities and identify what your charity needs to do now to be prepared.


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    Reporting Obligations Of Your Charity Part B – Online course
    Reporting Obligations Of Your Charity Part B – Online course
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