Solar PV: NABCEP Exam Advanced MCQs with theory explained
Learn and prepare for industry certifications like NABCEP Associate exam confidently in just a couple of days. This course covers advanced questions and concepts related to PV modules/systems, batteries, inverters, and more. Gain practical exam confidence and understanding of solar PV theories through real exam questions. Designed by a NABCEP PVIP Certified Professional, this course offers comprehensive learning at a nominal price. Suitable for beginners and professionals in the field who want to quickly prepare for industry certifications.
What you’ll learn
- Solve more than 60 No. of advanced questions involving concepts, design, calculations and troubleshooting related to PV Modules/Systems, Batteries & Inverters
- Prepare in Hours from Zero to Perfection for the Industry Standard Certification like NABCEP Associate exam confidently in couple of days
- Learn and Solve Advanced Question while understanding the theory behind each question for NABCE Associate Exams
- Get your grip and gain confidence in dealing with practical exam questions in regard to Solar PV System
- Learn Solar PV theories through real exam questions
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* See other Courses offered by the same Instructor at affordable Prices
* This Course is systematically and ingeniously designed by NABCEP PVIP Certified Processional to help you quickly learn about of Solar Photovoltaic System.
1) This Course shall provide a kick-off platform for you to learn and prepare for the Industry Certifications like NABCEP.
2) This Course will cover various topics related to Solar PV / Systems, Solar Radiation / Energy, PV Module, Inverters, Batteries, DC/AC Circuits, Troubleshooting and others. Efforts have been made that all such topics and questions are covered and comprehensive learning takes pace in couple of hours.
3) This Course comes with a nominal low price, compared to similar courses available in the market, as promotional collateral from us. Quality of the Course is promised at par with other commercially available Courses worth hundred of US$. You definitely going to Save Hundreds of Bucks.
Course Content:
Calculate Voltage in a Cable
Calculate System Power given Standard Solar Irradiance and Module Power
Calculating suitable Combination of PV Modules for a System
Calculating least No of PV Modules for a System
Why Bypass Diodes are used
Different areas in IV Curve of a PV Module
Understanding Albedo effect
Understanding change in PV Voltage due to temperature
Understanding use of micro-inverter for multiple orientations
Approach to size the PV system for Net Metering
Calculating mppt voltage given 4 No. of source circuits
Understanding charging Voltage of a battery
Maintenance requirements of PV System located in middle east
Limitation of connecting PV System to Service Conductors
Understanding Voltage drop phenomenon in a cable
Calculating maximum possible system size for a given area
Calculating minimum No. of PV Modules for a system
Ground Fault detection by Inverter
Understanding and Calculating Cell Voltage of a PV Module
Calculating No. of Batteries for a given load
Calculating No. of Batteries for a given load connected to an inverter
Calculating Electrical Energy Units (KWh)
What is STC Standard
Understanding Air Mass
Calculating System Power produced given area, efficiency and number of modules
Calculating size of breaker at output of an Inverter
Understanding specifications of a Charge Controller
Understanding location of micro-inverters
Which standard represent Cell temperature
Understanding Inter-Row spacing of PV Modules
Understanding magnetic field around a cable having current
Troubleshooting a System not working on a summer day
How much current passing through human body is dangerous
Optimum Title angle for an Off-Grid System for summer season
Calculating Maximum No. of PV Modules for a System
Safest way to find out the PV Output Current
Calculating Energy Units requirement of a User Load
Understanding worst design for the installation of the PV System
Finding optimum tilt angle of PV Module in a System
Troubleshooting a System where Inverter has indication of Ground Fault
Calculating Maximum No. of PV Modules for a System given various specs
Understanding effect of PV Modules connected in parallel
Troubleshooting Off-Grid PV system often shuts down during winter
Who make requirements for electrical safety for Employees
Understanding longest shadows occurring on PV Modules
Understanding effect due to increase in Solar Irradiance
Understanding PV Standard UL1703
Understanding Magnetic Declination
NEC requirement for PV Modules
Understanding Tools required to survey a site
Understanding Equinox
Understanding reasons in increase in PV Voltages
What to do if stand-alone PV System designed hardly fulfil the Load requirements
Understanding the critical design month for a PV System
Finding tilt angle of the PV Module for best summer performance
Suitable Tools to check and troubleshoot
What are requirements to replace faulty Inverter
Troubleshooting a PV System System which intermittently shuts down
Optimizing the Power output of PV system due to Module mismatch
Understanding tripping due to circuit breaker at output of an Inverter
Understanding Location of a Disconnect in an Interactive System
Which PV system is difficult to size and why
Understanding requirement of a stand-alone PV system without Charge Controller
Calculating maximum output of a System given system rating, inverter current and others
Maximum Voltage rating of a PV Module
Selecting type of PV system for a remote agriculture pump
Who this course is for:
- Beginners, Engineers, Technicians or others who are interested to learn sound understanding of Solar PV science and technology
- Engineers, Technicians or Professionals who are already in this field, and quickly want to prepare for the Industry Standard Certifications
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