Strengthening Geospatial Information Management: Using the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework






Last updated on September 5, 2024 1:04 am

Discover the socio-economic value of geospatial information and how it can benefit the economy, people, and the environment. Learn about the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework and its strategic pathways for successful management. Develop a country-level action plan with the help of the IGIF Implementation Guide. Enhance your understanding of geospatial information and its impact on national and sub-national arrangements. Join our program to unlock the potential of geospatial information management.

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What you will learn

  • To understand the socio-economic value of geospatial information.
  • To understand the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework and how it can be used as a guide to strengthen geospatial information management in order to derive socio-economic benefits.
  • Explain what geospatial information is.
  • Describe how geospatial information is used.
  • Explain the value of geospatial information to the economy, people and the environment.
  • Understand the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework and what it is used for.
  • Be able to describe the vision, mission, goals and underpinning principles of the Framework.
  • Understand the strategic drivers and pathways for success.
  • Explain the purpose of the Strategic Pathways?
  • Understand the key elements of each strategic pathway and the three focus areas – Governance, Technology and People?
  • Have an in-depth understanding of the structure of the strategic pathways in the Implementation Guide.
  • Understand the process for creating a country-level action plan.
  • Conduct a Baseline Assessment.
  • Determine your Vision, Mission and Goals.
  • Align your Action Plan to the strategic needs and priorities in your region.
  • Use the IGIF Implementation Guide to determine the Actions you need to take to fill a gap in capability.

Program Overview

The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework is the United Nations endorsed Framework that was developed in collaboration between the United Nations and the World Bank to provide a basis and guide for countries to reference when developing and strengthening their national and sub-national arrangements in geospatial information management and related information infrastructures.

Week One answers the questions ?What is geospatial information, how is it used and what is its socio-economic value to a country?? Week Two explains the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework, the major drivers for its use and the strategic pathways that guide successful integrated geospatial information management. Week Three delves into the structure of the Framework focusing on the strategic pathways in more detail. And Week Four explains creating a country-level action.


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    Strengthening Geospatial Information Management: Using the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework
    Strengthening Geospatial Information Management: Using the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework
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