The Indie Film Exhibition Masterclass

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Last updated on July 2, 2024 4:19 am

Learn how to release your film and find a legit distributor with the Film Exhibition Masterclass. Gain insights on marketing, expanding reach, and making a profit. This course is perfect for intermediate film and video students looking to get their work seen by a wider audience. Create a trailer or movie poster and develop a strategy for releasing your film. Get feedback and tips in the project gallery to help you succeed in the industry. Start your journey towards a lasting career as a filmmaker today.

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What you’ll learn

  • Give students a guide on where they can release their films.
  • How to find a legit film distributor.
  • Seperate legit film festivals from bad ones.
  • How to carve a path to a productive career as a filmmaker.

Congratulations! You have succeeded through the tedious task of making your first film. Now what do you do? How do you get your movie seen in front of an audience? The Film Exhibition Masterclass will take you through the variety of options you have to release your movie, how to expand your reach through marketing, and how you can potentially make a profit in the process.

This class is for anyone who has completed a film and has struggled to find a way to get it out into the world. Whether you want to maximize your views on YouTube or you are seeking a legit distributor who will get your film worldwide, the 13 years of experience I have as an independent filmmaker will offer a great deal of insight and tips on how you can build a following which could lead to a lasting career.

For the class project: Take your film and produce a trailer and/or a movie poster. Using any editing software and/or Adobe Photoshop, you will take the lessons from this class to execute marketing materials that will catch the eye of your target audience. Then plot your strategy for how best to release your film in a simple text document. Share your materials in the project gallery for feedback and further tips on how to get your work out to the world.

Who this course is for:

  • Intermediate Film and Video Students.

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    The Indie Film Exhibition Masterclass
    The Indie Film Exhibition Masterclass
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