What’s New in Laravel 7








Laravel advances to version 7 on March 3rd, 2020 with updates to Blade components, custom casting, fluent string operations, a friendly HTTP client, and much more. In this series, one episode at a time, we’ll review everything you need to know.

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Supercharged Blade Components

Blade components have received a significant update as part of Laravel 7. In addition to a new Vue-like syntax, any component may now be backed by a view model (of sorts).

Fluent String Manipulation

Laravel 7 ships with a new Stringable class that provides a fluent object-oriented interface for manipulating strings.

Casting Eloquent Attributes to Value Objects

We can now create custom Eloquent cast types. This, as an example, would allow you to transform one or more attributes into a dedicated type (like a value object). The key is to prepare a class that implements the CastsAttributes interface.

Route Custom Keys With Scoping

Laravel 7 includes some useful improvements to route model binding. You may now specify a custom route key name without adding a getRouteKeyName() method to the associated model. Instead, simply add the custom key as part of the route declaration: /posts/{post:slug}. Additionally, when specifying custom keys, Laravel will automatically scope them to a parent relationship if relevant.

The New HTTP Client

Laravel 7 now ships with a friendly wrapper around the popular Guzzle HTTP client. It’s never been easier to quickly make the necessary API request with the proper request data and headers. I’ll show you everything you need to know in this episode.

Intro to Laravel Sanctum

Laravel Sanctum provides a light-weight authentication system for single-page applications and token-based APIs. In this episode, we’ll review the former.

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    What’s New in Laravel 7
    What’s New in Laravel 7