1z0-1064-22 : Oracle B2B Service 2022 Implementation Prof.
Prepare for the 1z0-1064-22 exam with our Oracle B2B Service 2022 Implementation Professional Practice Test. Covering all the latest questions, this test will help you pass the certification in your first attempt. Get ready to enable B2B Service features, configure Service Requests, manage entitlements, author KM articles, create DCS applications, configure omnichannel communications, set up productivity features, perform advanced configurations, integrations, and analytics. With a passing score of 62%, this course is suitable for anyone preparing for the 1z0-1064-22 exam. Good luck and happy learning!
This is Oracle B2B Service 2022 Implementation Professional Practice Test.
These mock tests will help you in preparation for the 1z0-1064-22 exam.
All the latest questions are covered in the test.
Covered Area:
Initial Setup
Enable B2B Service features
Describe the B2B Service security model
Use Functional Setup Manager (FSM)
Service Request (SR) Management
Set up SR creation and handling
Configure a Service Request Category
Describe common SR processing activities
Identify common SR searches
Configure a Service Catalog
Implement an SR assignment mapping
Describe entitlement concepts (coverage, milestones)
Manage milestones
Set up standard coverage
Set up default coverage
Configure action plans
Knowledge Management (KM)
Identify KM enablement activities (products/categories, security, features)
Author KM articles
Set up ‘My Knowledge’ page
Digital Customer Service (DCS)
Describe DCS architecture components (themes, templates, pages)
Describe DCS enablement activities (profiles, roles, authentication)
Describe DCS components (products, contact, KM, SR creator, admin)
Create and Configure a DCS Application
Omnichannel Communications
Perform Email set up a-ctivities (inbound setup, outbound setup, templates)
Configure CTI notifications
Configure media toolbar
Configure Chat
Configure Work Routing
Configure Agent Notifications
Productivity Features
Set up Hotkeys
Set up SmartText
Enable SR Audit
Advanced Configuration, Integration and Analytics
Identify mechanisms of B2B Service customization
Use tools used to configure and customize B2B Service
Explain B2B service integration architecture and mechanisms
Perform file-based import and export
Describe Analytics concepts (infolets, subject areas, queries)
Modify an Analytics report
Our 1z0-1064-22 Practice Test will help you in preparation for the official exam so that you can pass the certification in the first attempt
Best of Luck and Happy Learning!
Official Exam Details
Exam ID : 1Z0-1064-22
Exam type : Proctored
Duration : 90 minutes
Questions: 58
Passing Score : 62%
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who are preparing for 1z0-1064-22 : Oracle B2B Service 2022 Implementation Professional Exam
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