7 Chakra Complete Healing Practitioner Certification!
Learn how to heal and balance your chakras with this comprehensive course. Discover the power of chakra meditation and achieve higher consciousness. Improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through chakra healing techniques. Enroll now and receive a Chakra Healing Certification!
What you’ll learn
- Heal and Balance Yourself through the Power of Chakras
- What is a Chakra?
- How does a chakra work?
- How to Heal your Chakras?
- How to Start Chakra Healing and Balancing?
- How to Balance your Chakras?
- Learn to unblock your Chakra
- Know potential health issues associated with 7 chakras imbalance
- Tips to Heal & Balance Chakras
- Diagnose whether each chakra is blocked, unblocked or imbalance
- Understand all about Chakra basics and Color related to each Chakra
- Details about All 7 Major Chakras
- 7 Chakra guided Meditations
- How Chakra Balancing works?
- Realize all about purpose of all 7 chakras
- Identify chakra blockages in your body
- Practical techniques for balancing & healing of 7 chakras!
- Recognize noticeable issues from blocked Chakras
- Learn to create sacred space for Chakra meditation
- Why should you balance your chakras?
- Exercises for Chakra Balancing
- Details of 7 Major Chakras including Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Solar plexus chakra, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Third eye chakra & Crown chakra!
- Receive Chakra Healing Certification!
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CHAKRA: Chakra Healing & Balancing Complete Course
Thank you for choosing this Chakra Healing Course. This Chakra course is for everyone who wants to learn about 7 Major Chakras and simple ways to Balance them. It is a Practical Guide to heal and Balance yourself through the Power of Chakras.” The Complete Chakra Course to Awaken and Balance your Chakras, Learn Chakra Meditation Techniques and Achieve Higher Consciousness by Using Chakra Healing!
Consider this Chakra Course as your guide to building, nourishing, and balancing your well-being as you navigate into modern life. I am enthusiastic as you embark on your Chakra healing journey with me to learn about the most balanced, aware, and aligned version of yourself.
There are 7 main chakras in our body and if they are balance and in harmony, then we feel more healthy, more relaxed and our energies are in balance.
Explore Chakra Balancing Tips, Techniques & Exercises. I will tell you simple tips to balance and heal your chakras. You will receive Chakra mediation for each of the major chakras and will be able to download lots of resources related to your chakra system, including Chakra mediation music and also will receive Chakra certificate pf completion at the end!
Energy is truly everything and I share from my heart on how tuning into your energy field and chakras can revolutionize your health. You are more than a physical body as you have an energy body as well and this energy body determines how you feel, how people respond to you. The chakras are seven bodily energy centers which move from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
A chakra is a spinning vortex of life force energy within the subtle body. This is a hidden field of life force energy, emotions, beliefs, and imprints that make your specific life force energy. Your chakras are positioned in the spine and open and close much like a flower. There are seven main chakras in the system and each chakra is connected to seven nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column. The word chakra means wheel or disk in Sanskrit. Chakras are spinning wheels of life force energy when they are functioning correctly in the body. This energy has also been referred to as chi, prana, or life force energy. We can think of the chakra wheel as the drive inside of the computer or as part of the software that helps your body maintain your health. Since everyone is different, each person has different needs and health care problems. The same is true when it comes to the chakra system and determining which chakra needs to be balanced. If you can open your chakras and determine which ones need to be unblocked, then you are able to manifest and align your soul’s imprint with your life purpose. You will find different questions to help you determine your strengths and weaknesses in your chakra system.
There are seven main chakras, from top to bottom. All seven chakras affect each other and are interactive; much like any high quality, fine-tuned instrument, so it is important that proper balance be maintained. I will discuss them in detail one by one.
1. Root chakra
2. Sacral chakra
3. Solar plexus chakra
4. Heart chakra
5. Throat chakra
6. Third eye chakra
7. Crown chakra
These seven primary chakras include:
· Muladhara (root chakra): This chakra is at the bottom of the spine, between the anus and genitals. It purportedly influences the basic urges of sex, food, sleep, and self-preservation.
· Svadhisthana (sacral chakra): Located at the pelvis, this chakra influences the regulation of emotions and desires.
· Manipura (Solar plexus chakra): This chakra is just below the navel. Strength in this chakra aids digestion and the ability to process life’s experiences.
· Anahata (heart chakra): This chakra is located at the heart, and its purpose is to help a person connect with unconditional love.
· Vishuddha (throat chakra): Positioned at the pit of the throat, this chakra’s function is authenticity and personal expression.
· Ajna (third eye chakra): Located between the eyebrows, this chakra is a seat of inner knowledge and consciousness.
· Sahasrara (crown chakra): Located just above the top of the head, this chakra’s role is to promote a more enlightened approach to the world.
This course is an in-depth dive into one of the most practical systems of spirituality, and will explain how the health of your energy body affects every part of your life. This chakra course will empower you to heal blockages in your energy body, regain your balance in areas of your life that need attention, and gain a deeper appreciation for yourself and others around you.
The chakras are seven bodily energy centers which move from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The word “chakra” is derived from the Sanskrit word for “wheel”, The spinning wheel concept specifies that they are moving, active, vibrating energy points found in living Beings!
This is for everyone who are enthusiastic about developing self-mastery and inner healing abilities. You’ll learn about each chakra’s individual characteristics and the possible causes for energy blocks, as well as what happens to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health when your chakras are in or out of harmony.
Chakras store the energy of thoughts, feelings, memories, experiences, and actions. They influence and direct our present and future mindset, behavior, emotional health, and actions. The life force in each chakra can be processed, transmuted and released so that we consciously manifest what we want to call in, rather than experience more of the same. Chakra healing is the intentional practice of connecting with our stored energy, so we may understand how our past is influencing the present and the future. Prana informs us, and influences our actions and behaviors, determining our health, career opportunities, relationships, and more. The subtle body depicts how our inner reality creates our outer reality.
The Chakras of Matter
Each chakra holds the beliefs, emotions, and memories related to specific areas of our life. The lower chakras are related to Earthly matters such as survival, sex, and power. The top three chakras are related to higher consciousness, truth, intuition, and purpose. In the middle, the heart chakra bridges the two worlds with empathy, love, and compassion.
• Heal and Balance Yourself through the Power of Chakras
• What is a Chakra?
• How does a chakra work?
• How to Heal your Chakras?
• How to Start Chakra Healing and Balancing?
• How to Balance your Chakras?
• Learn to unblock your Chakra
• Why should you balance your chakras?
• Understand all about Chakra basics and Color related to each Chakra
• Learn to create sacred space for Chakra meditation
• Recognize noticeable issues from blocked Chakras
• Diagnose whether each chakra is blocked, unblocked or imbalance
• Practical techniques for balancing & healing of 7 chakras!
• Realize all about purpose of all 7 chakras
• Know potential health issues associated with 7 chakras imbalance
• Identify chakra blockages in your body
• How Chakra Balancing works?
• Tips to Heal & Balance Chakras
• Exercises for Chakra Balancing
• Details about All 7 Major Chakras
• 7 Chakra guided Meditations
• Details of 7 Major Chakras including Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Solar plexus chakra, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Third eye chakra & Crown chakra!
• Receive Chakra Healing Certification!
You will be able to create more ‘mental space’ in short periods of time, achieve more spiritual awareness, relief stress issues, be calmer in your everyday routine and even be able to attract abundance into your life
· Once you’ve completed the entire course, you’ll receive a beautiful Chakra Certificate of Completion (PDF)
· Lastly, as I continue to add more helpful information to this course over time, you’ll have lifetime access to it!
This course is For
· People who are into Chakra meditation and stress-free lifestyle
· Those who want to expand their physical & emotional benefits of Chakra clearing, balancing and healing
· Anyone who is looking for curing and establishing their body, mind, and spirit
· This course is applicable for all age groups interested in chakra healing & Meditation
· Anyone who is looking for a more peaceful and balanced lifestyle by balancing chakras
· Those who want to harness the power of spirituality and cure diseases naturally
Chakra healing is a powerful art that can improve your life in every way—I’m excited to share my love of chakras with you so you can learn to heal yourself from within.
Chakra healing will lead to improved functioning of the endocrine system which is great for physical healing of your body. The connection between glands and chakras represents a link between the energy points in your body to the physiological and physical functions. Another useful entry point for chakra healing is the nervous system which is connected to glands and organs in multiple ways and at multiple points. A chakra healing session is ideally begun by calming the nerves and then targeting a particular gland and/or chakra. By understanding the connection between chakras and the glands, you can use healing in different ways that will help you overcome physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues in your body and mind. Connecting the chakras and the glands will help in your overall well-being.
The Chakra system is a holistic entity that suggests that when the one chakra is interrupted, the energy circulation of the whole system is affected. An unbalanced Chakra system causes an unbalanced life; it causes poor physical, psychological, psychological, and spiritual wellness.
After completing this course, you will receive a Chakra certificate of completion from my side, which you can share with your family, friends, relatives, co-workers. Certificates of completion help demonstrate your accomplishments. Plus, you will also receive another certificate from Udemy as well!
Enroll now and let’s start this beautiful journey of Chakra Meditation, chakra healing and chakra Balancing!
Who this course is for:
- This Chakra course is applicable for all age groups interested in chakra healing & Meditation
- Anyone who is looking for curing and establishing their body, mind, and spirit through Chakra System
- Anyone who is looking for a more peaceful and balanced lifestyle by balancing chakras
- Those who want to expand their physical & emotional benefits of Chakra clearing, balancing and healing
- People who are into Chakra meditation and stress-free lifestyle
- Those who want to harness the power of spirituality and cure diseases naturally by Chakra Balancing
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