Advanced JavaScript Foundations
Learn advanced JavaScript concepts like prototypal inheritance, coercion, and working with primitive types in this comprehensive workshop. Improve your understanding through examples and gain insights into keywords, scopes, and closures. Take your JavaScript skills to the next level with this course.
It all starts with syntax. From there, once you’ve got the concepts down, you can move into using a framework where you figure out how to make things “just work”.
Everything is great, until it’s not.
If someone put you on the spot right now and asked you to explain
, would they like your answer?
What about prototypal inheritance or coercion?
In this workshop, you’ll be taking things to the next level, shining a light into “black-box” concepts like prototypes, the
keyword, and what primitive types are.
Tyler will walk you through each concept, and build your understanding through examples in the areas you need to know.
Course Content
Intro to Advanced JavaScript Foundations
Working with Primitive Types
Autoboxing Primitive Types in JavaScript
Understanding Prototypal Inheritance within JavaScript
Understanding the difference between .prototype and .__proto__ in JavaScript
Working with var, let, const, and block scopes
Implicit Binding of the “this” Keyword
Arrow Functions and Lexical Scoping “this”
Explicit binding of the “this” keyword
Private Variables with IIFEs
Use Implicit and Explicit Coercion in JavaScript
De-sugar an ES6 Class and the Extends Keyword
ES6 Class Constructors and the Super Keyword
Working with Static Properties on a Class
How to use ‘strict mode’
WTF is a Closure?
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