An Introduction to Vehicle-to-Grid Charging for Electric Cars








Last updated on September 14, 2024 3:57 am

Learn all you need to know about how vehicle-to-grid charging works, and why this industry is big business in this course from Cenex.

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Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone looking to understand more about the V2G and electric car industry. Private business owners, public administrators, electric car owners, and those interested in management positions will all find it invaluable.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…

To explore what V2G charging is and how it works.

To identify the different use cases for V2G charging.

To evaluate why V2G charging is important for customers and the energy system.

To explore the current state of development of V2G charging, including some example case studies.

To identify the current barriers to V2G charging, where the emerging opportunities lie and likely timescales for the technology to achieve commercial maturity.


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    An Introduction to Vehicle-to-Grid Charging for Electric Cars
    An Introduction to Vehicle-to-Grid Charging for Electric Cars
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