Course on jQuery & Document Object Model in JavaScript
Get the online course on jQuery and document object model in JavaScript that helps to learn more functionality for web pages, HTML elements and CSS styles.
This free online Document Object Model course will introduce the concept of the Document Object Model, DOM methods in javascript, and how you can add greater functionality to the web page using jQuery. JavaScript can change HTML elements in a web page, including attributes and CSS styles, remove existing and add new HTML elements and attributes, and react to all existing HTML events in the page. Get up to speed with Javascript, today.
What You Will Learn In This Free Course
JavaScript and the Document Object Model
In this module you will be introduced to the Document Object Model and adding greater functionality to your web pages using jQuery plugins. The HTML DOM model is constructed as a tree of objects and JavaScript can interact with elements in the DOM to add greater functionality and interactivity to web pages.
Introduction to jQuery
In this module you will learn about jQuery -the most popular JavaScript library in use today. jQuery’s syntax is designed to make it easier to navigate a document, select DOM elements, handle events, create animations and develop Ajax applications. You will learn about jQuery plug-ins which are available on the Web and cover a range of functions such as dynamic lists, drag and drop, events and many others.
Course assessment