Creative Writing: Unlocking and Inspiring Ideas








Explore the different ways of telling a story and develop a writing habit through simple exercises

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Do you want to exercise your creativity through words? Together with the writer and teacher Natalia Méndez, you will discover tools, techniques and exercises that will help you generate all kinds of texts to create countless stories.

In this course you will carry out didactic exercises to give life to a series of original texts, acquiring the habit of writing every day. And if you want to expand your knowledge with Natalia, discover her first course: Narrative techniques for children’s books.

In the first unit you will get to know Natalia Méndez a little better, she will tell you about her work and her interests. He will also share with you some of the artists who influence him the most.

Next, you will delve into the concept of creative writing with topics such as: how inspiration works and how to keep it active. You will discover some methods to enhance your attention span and create motivating workspaces.

From that moment on, you will dive into the ocean of words, exploring different exercises. An ocean that can sometimes become a small pool when ideas are lacking, or a huge stormy sea, when we don’t know what to do with so many.

Finally, you will concentrate on the correction and revision of the texts, to later choose one of them and share it as a fanzine or as an artist’s book.


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    Creative Writing: Unlocking and Inspiring Ideas
    Creative Writing: Unlocking and Inspiring Ideas
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