How to Create Income Generating Online Courses








Work from anywhere and make money while you sleep. Sell your unique skills online by learning how to produce and sell online courses.

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Work from anywhere and make money while you sleep. Sell your unique skills online by learning how to produce and sell online courses.

If you can do it, you can teach it. Make money online by knowing how to create and sell online courses.

The online education market is booming. The global e-learning market will reach $325 billion by 2025 – a growth of $218 billion in 10 years. The time is ripe for turning your knowledge and skills into online courses.

Maybe you have ideas for courses but don’t have the technical knowhow to create them. Or you never realized there are many people around the world who are eager to benefit from your unique knowledge, talents, style, and point of view!

No matter who you are or what you do, you can create a course that adds value to other people’s lives.

We are experts in selling online courses. There’s no subject we know better. And we’re sharing with you our step-by-step instructions to:

Choose a platform or create your own website to sell online courses

Find your unique selling point

Decide whether to create text, audio, video or mixed media courses

Plan your content and then create your online course

Use different ways of promoting your course

Make a profit from selling online courses

You can set this up as a side gig to earn a passive income or join the teachers making millions selling online courses. This course shows you how to create a course once that you can sell over and over again.


Step by step, you will be able to research, design and create an online course. You will be empowered to:

Know where you can sell online courses. Whether to choose existing platforms or use your own website to sell online courses

Decide what to write a course about

Organize and create your course content

Understand the online course market and where you fit in

Identify your unique selling point

Decide the format of your course. Use text, audio and video to create courses

Plan the structure of your online course

Carry out research and convey expertise

Get people to take your course

Make your course profitable

Have everything you need to create a profitable online course that reaches a global market


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    How to Create Income Generating Online Courses
    How to Create Income Generating Online Courses
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