JavaScript Promises in Depth
Learn how to use JavaScript promises to model asynchronous operations. Explore creating promises, chaining them together, and handling errors. Discover how to deal with multiple promises and await a promise using the await operator. This course covers everything you need to know about JavaScript promises.
ES2015 brought a native Promise to the JavaScript standard library. In this course, we’re going to take an in-depth look at how to use promises to model various kinds of asynchronous operations.
First, we’re going to explore how to create promises using the Promise constructor or the Promise.resolve() or Promise.reject() methods. Then, we’re going to see how to chain promises together using .then(), .catch(), and .finally(). We’re going to compare various error handling strategies along the way. We’re going to wrap up this course by taking a look at how to deal with multiple promises using Promise.all() and Promise.race() and how to await a promise using the await operator.
Course Content
Introduction to JavaScript Promises in Depth
Create a Promise Chain in JavaScript with Promise.prototype.then()
Catch Errors in a JavaScript Promise Chain with Promise.prototype.catch()
Execute Cleanup Logic in a JavaScript Promise Chain with Promise.prototype.finally()
Create a Rejected Promise in JavaScript with Promise.reject()
Create a Resolved Promise in JavaScript with Promise.resolve()
Create a New Promise in JavaScript with the Promise Constructor
Convert a Callback-Based JavaScript Function to a Promise-Based One
Wait for the Fastest JavaScript Promise to Settle with Promise.race()
Wait for Multiple JavaScript Promises to Be Fulfilled with Promise.all()
Wait for Multiple JavaScript Promises to Settle with Promise.allSettled()
Wait for the Fastest JavaScript Promise to Be Fulfilled with Promise.any()
Await a JavaScript Promise in an async Function with the await Operator