Learn about Sales and Distribution Management








Last updated on January 14, 2025 12:00 pm

Learn about sales distribution management and the evolution of sales management as a function. Learn about the impact of sales force in a sales organization.

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This free online course on sales and distribution management will be particularly useful for companies, managers and business executives who deal with customer sales, sales channels as well as sales personnel management. By the end of this course, you will become more familiar with the factors influencing the optimal design and management of distribution channels, as well channel designs for improving efficiency in sales force management.

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Define the relationship between sale…
  • Explain the dominant influence of sm…
  • Discuss the supremacy of production …
  • Distinguishing between manufacturing…
  • Define the relationship between sales management and other functions of management
  • Explain the dominant influence of small and large scale manufacturers on the economy
  • Discuss the supremacy of production or manufacturing
  • Distinguishing between manufacturing and finance departments in sales management
  • Describe the knowledge of selling and sales related marketing policies
  • Explain the role of sales executives in determining sales related marketing policies
  • Explain the relevance of sales related policies for sales personnel
  • Explain some interdepartmental relationships and coordinations in sales organizations
  • Describe the meaning
  • and the need of a distribution channel
  • Discuss the functions of distribution channels
  • Introduction to Sales Management

    In this module, you will learn about the meaning of sales management and the evolution of sales management as a function. You will also learn about the importance of sales management for marketing functions and for the organization as a whole.

    Sales Policies and Relations

    In this module, you will learn about sales related marketing policies, and their relevance in an organization. You will also learn about how decisions are always taken keeping the price in mind.; Module

    Sales Organization

    In this module, you will learn about inter-departmental relationships, coordination, importance, and relevance. You will also learn about how to come up with very accurate numbers or numerical digits with respect to sales forecasting.

    Relationship Between Buyers and Sellers

    In this module, you will learn about the meaning of a buyer-seller dyad, how dyadic relationships take place between salespersons and buyers. You will also learn about the theories of selling and the methods used in selling.

    Diploma in Sales and Distribution Management – First Assessment

    You more sore 80% or more to pass this assessment.; Module

    Sales Force Management I

    In this module, you will learn about the meaning and definition of a sales job analysis, the importance of a sales job analysis, the purpose as to why these activities are undertaken. You will also learn about the objectives of any and every organization in selecting the right kind, and the right number of people that it requires for its organizational performance.

    Sales Force Management II

    In this module, you will learn about the meaning of motivation, and their application to sales force management. You will also learn about how evaluation as a system is used organizing periodic assessment of an employee’s on the job performance.

    Management of Sales Territory and Quotas

    In this module, you will learn about the meaning and methods put in place to ensure proper administering of a quota system. You will also learn about sales territory and the rationale behind formation of sales territories.

    Sales and Distribution Management

    In this module, you will learn about distribution channels, the functions and classifications of distribution channels. You will also learn about the importance of sales and distribution management as well as its relevance in international markets

    Diploma in Sales Distribution Management – Second Assessment

    You more score 80% or more in this assessment.; Module

    Course assessment


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