Monitoring and Alerting AWS on CloudWatch








Last updated on September 7, 2024 11:51 pm

Harness the improved storage and networking capabilities of Amazon Web Services and use Cloudwatch to monitor your company’s secure data with automated alerts.

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Are you looking to reduce data storage costs for your business? Or do you want to create a better networking system within your organization? This course on Amazon Web Services (AWS) will provide you with the right tools and information you need to make the next big switch toward cloud computing using Amazon CloudWatch. With agile and cost-effective models, you can take your company to the next level. So enroll today!

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Discuss the roles and advantages of …
  • Outline the vast array of products a…
  • Explain what AWS CloudWatch is and t…
  • Describe the functions of the AWS pu…
  • Discuss the roles and advantages of cloud computing in the context of today?s growing information needs
  • Outline the vast array of products and services offered by the Amazon Web Services cloud platform
  • Explain what AWS CloudWatch is and the various types of features and functions it can offer
  • Describe the functions of the AWS push notification feature called the ?AWS SNS?
  • Discuss the main features and monitoring of EC2 instances
  • Define ?elastic block storage? and outline the various types of block-level storage options available for EC2 instances
  • Explain what the AWS Relational Database Service is along with its key metrics and monitoring characteristics
  • Discuss the role of the Elastic Load Balancer in the context of AWS infrastructure along with its key metrics
  • Analyze the cost, features and billing structure of Amazon Web Services
  • Understanding AWS Monitoring and Alerting

    In this module, the learner will be developing a detailed understanding of AWS. The main users of AWS will be listed and the benefits of AWS will be provided. An in-depth analysis of monitoring and alerting AWS will be carried out for the learner, including key features and interaction with other services.

    AWS Monitoring and Alerting Services

    In this module, the learner will be going through the additional services that the AWS cloud provides. The monitoring and alerting for elastic block storage, relational database services, elastic load balance along with billing costs will all be explained in this module. Each of these services will be explained with detailed demos.

    Course assessment


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      Monitoring and Alerting AWS on CloudWatch
      Monitoring and Alerting AWS on CloudWatch
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