Natural Home Cleaning
Be kind to the planet, your health and your bank balance by making eco-friendly natural household cleaning products!
Be kind to the planet, your health and your bank balance by making eco-friendly natural household cleaning products!
Are you tired of cleaning your home with harsh products full of chemical ingredients? Make your own green cleaners which are easy to make, kind to your home, child-friendly, pet-friendly, and smell naturally delicious.
The air you breathe indoors can be up to five times as polluted as outdoor air, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. One problem could be in your cleaning products as many contain chemicals linked to asthma, allergies and even cancer, according to Environmental Working Group tests.
You can cut out pollutants by making your own all-natural household cleaning products using the easy-to-follow recipes in this course.
Not only will your home be germ-free, safe and green, natural cleaners are better for your health, kinder to the planet and save you money.
Our course shows you what goes in many store-bought cleaners and the harm they cause. You’ll see how everyday products like lemon, salt, baking soda, club soda, white vinegar and olive oil can make every room in your home sparkle.
Use the best all-natural household cleaning products that are safe enough to eat by making the recipes in our online course.
In this course, you will find:
What ingredients are in your commercial cleaners and the harm this does to you and the environment
How to make and use your own safe, natural alternatives
A room-by-room cleaning guide
How to clean every surface, every appliance, every piece of furniture and all types of materials
How to tackle nasty smells, mold and mildew without using strong chemicals or artificial air fresheners
Tips on how to clean less in the first place and preventative cleaning methods so you never have to do a huge spring-clean again
Essential oils that are antibacterial, antifungal or antiseptic and smell amazing
Recipes for making your own all-purpose liquid cleaners and all-purpose cream cleaners
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