Numbers, units and arithmetic









Boost your math skills and conquer your fear of fractions and decimals with our free course, Numbers, units and arithmetic. Gain confidence in working with positive and negative numbers, as well as multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals. Learn to compare sizes, manipulate place-value columns, find equivalent fractions, mark numbers on a number line, and select appropriate units for different purposes. Start your journey towards mastering numbers today!

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Do fractions and decimals make you apprehensive about maths? Do you lack confidence in dealing with numbers? If so, then this free course, Numbers, units and arithmetic, is for you. The course will explain the basics of working with positive and negative numbers and how to multiply and divide with fractions and decimals.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

Write whole numbers and decimals in place-value columns and compare their sizes

Multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100, 1000 and so on

Indicate given fractions on a diagram and find equivalent fractions for a given fraction

Mark numbers on a number line

Choose appropriate units for a given purpose.


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