One Health in action against Neglected Tropical Diseases








Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) continue to cause hardship and harm to over one billion people worldwide, burdening individuals, families and communities who are already marginalized and disadvantaged. Taking a One Health approach that recognizes the relationship between human, animal, and environmental health is key to sustainably addressing NTDs. This course provides practical ideas, tools, and examples to enable each of us to take One Health action towards the global goal of substantially reducing the burden of NTDs by 2030.

Photo credits: WHO/Ilyas Ahmed

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One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. By recognizing that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and ecosystems are interdependent, this approach is particularly relevant to Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), which often involve the environment or animals. This course provides information and practical guidance on how to apply One Health action to NTDs, by presenting some of the most common challenges, but also examples of how to successfully overcome them through a transdisciplinary, cross-cutting, and whole-of-society approach. The target audience of this course is everybody concerned about health issues at the human-animal-environmental interface and, in particular, program managers and anybody else (such as NGOs) involved in NTDs or One Health-related activity at the international, national, and local levels.

Course duration:

Approximately 3.5 hours

What you’ll learn

Describe what One Health is

Justify the importance of a paradigmatic shift towards a One Health approach to NTDs

Provide some examples of One Health actions that each of us can take

Provide some examples of One Health actions that each of us can take

Identify how to start and improve the design and implementation of One Health action

Acknowledge how to drive sustainable impact, by working with local communities and by unlocking political interest.

Course contents

Module 1: Introduction to One Health and Neglected Tropical Diseases:
By the end of this module, you will: describe what are NTDs and what is their burden; explain what is One Health and why many NTDs need this approach; and list some of the benefits of a One Health approach towards NTDs and beyond them.

Module 2: One Health actions needed to address Neglected Tropical Diseases:
By the end of this module, you will: describe what are the main areas of intervention to reduce the burden of NTDs by 2030; list what One Health actions countries, international organizations, and non-State actors can take; and discuss successful case studies.

Module 3: How to get started:
By the end of this module, you will: explain why it is important to get started now; identify areas of mutual interest and shared objectives; and describe how actions across sectors, disciplines, and programs can be integrated.

Module 4: How to work together efficiently:
By the end of this module, you will: describe how to overcome a siloed work method; identify how to find and engage with new stakeholders; and re-organize or improve work according to One Health principles.

Module 5: How to work with, not only for, local communities:
By the end of this module, you will: explain the importance of empowering local communities; recognize the need for understanding health issues from a different and context-related point of view; and identify the most appropriate communication tools and channels.

Module 6: How to unlock political will to drive sustainable impact:
By the end of this module, you will: acknowledge the need for advocating for NTDs and One Health at all levels; describe how to build awareness of leaders and momentum for investment; and plan and implement sustainable One Health action.

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    One Health in action against Neglected Tropical Diseases
    One Health in action against Neglected Tropical Diseases
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